Sunday, September 27, 2009

As It Should

I have to believe things are unfolding as they should. It is the only possible hope, the only point of sanity.

To believe otherwise is to accept chaos, anarchy, and the absence of either divine intelligence or divine love (which are probably the same).

If the universe is unfolding as it should, then every thought, feeling and action count; they become part of life's grand equation influencing, however imperceptibly, everything else.

If the universe is unfolding as it should, then the future is not a black hole from which any catastrophe or monster could emerge; rather it is the hand of a merciful God giving what we have requested and need.

If the universe is unfolding as it should, then the pain I feel today matters and my slightest efforts to absorb it into an already aching heart move levers of transformation that begin to illumine the darkest corners of my life.

If the universe is unfolding as it should, then my longing to see dear ones is noted within the Universal compassion and love moves through the ethers between us regardless of distance.

If the universe is unfolding as it should, then Divine Judgment is not a condemnation but a revelation, exposing "what is hidden inside," so that "right action can be taken."

If the universe is unfolding as it should, then my dreams have power and become the raw stuff that eventually manifests as "what is."

If the universe is unfolding as it should, then not one sad tear or forlorn hope is wasted - they devolve and dissolve into the vast pool from which God draws the waters of rebirth and rejuvenation.

If the universe is unfolding as it should, then I should not worry when circumstances seem bleak and unfriendly, when sorrow stands at my bedside and silent agony is my daily companion, for all this is my fair lot, my portion of the universal Pain of Becoming.

If the universe is unfolding as it should,then I should be grateful for each moment's meditation on the Dance of Death that completes the Circle of Being.

If the universe is unfolding as it should, then I also am unfolding

. . . just as I should.


  1. No the universe is not unfolding as it should. There is a great deal more to the rest of the 2012 story. Go beyond the Mayan calendar.
