Walking on Water
A group of us were working together on various jobs and I had been watching my work load decrease bit by bit. Then one day the guy in charge called us all together.
He said things were getting really tough. I could see the worry on his face. I could feel my stomach go queasy.
But suddenly . . . I wrenched myself free.
“No, it isn’t like that!” I said emphatically.
And immediately, I was awake.
A relief, and a lesson.
Lying there, I thought of Jesus walking on the water. A “miracle” – that’s how this episode is interpreted and conveyed:
"Don't try this at home!"
But at that moment I saw it in a new light.
I felt Jesus was teaching us to walk on the story of our lives rather than sinking into it and drowning.
Peter had tried to follow Jesus’ example and was initially doing fine.
“But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me” (Mat. 14:30).
I totally get that.
There are moments when the peace is strong and I feel part of the big picture.
Then that boisterous wind blows fear into my heart and suddenly it is:
“Omigod, MY STORY!”
And the drowning commences.
A little later that night my dream continued.
I was in a room with wooden walls and big wooden drawers that slid into the walls. These drawers held the mysteries to everything imaginable.
I came to one drawer that supposedly contained the “answer” for me, and slid it open with high anticipation. Inside were rows and rows of folded objects whose use was impossible to conjecture. I was dumbfounded.
But then . . . I got it (I think).
What I need is not in some drawer somewhere that has to be found. It is already here.
This is the reality that has to be faced squarely every day and lived with intently.
There is nowhere else I can go, nowhere else I need to go.
It’s all here now.
Be with it.
That's walking on water.
A bouyant Truth indeed!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm gonna sink into that one.
Thanks, real time or beyond time.
Beautiful, the story becomes clear as crystal..."There is nowhere else I can go, nowhere else I need to go. It’s all here now. Be with it." I often hear "Everything already IS" and it too calms the storm.
ReplyDeleteThanks CD!
"I felt it was Jesus teachingg us to walk on the story of our lives rather than sinking into it and drowning,"...My God Count! that is ...well it makes real good sence.
ReplyDeleteHere is to walking on water.
Did it just last night.
Could become my new addiction.