The Shadow of Existence
The sun was low on the horizon while I rested in a cemetery after my day’s labors. The light of dusk flowed serenely through the graveyard, casting lengthening shadows of tombstones onto the verdant grass.
The shadows seemed a metaphor for existence in this world. Everything originates with the sun, within the sun, and its life is sustained by the sun. Then its very form is defined by the sun. Yet, upon this source of life we cannot look directly.
Somewhere it is written, "No man shall look upon God and live." It is the shadows cast into this world that reveal the light.
And so the personality of me is a shape within God’s radiance, an obstructing shadow cast into the world, a presence that defines God’s light through its very denseness.
This is both my consolation and my torment.
* *
ReplyDeleteCD, this is so cool! The outside Sun that shines on the world, casts the shadows that reveal the light. Also, somewhere it is written:
ReplyDeleteWhen you can gaze on the brightness of the noonday Sun with unflinching eyes, you can then look upon the blinding light of your Heavenly Father, which is a thousand times brighter than the brightness of a thousand Suns. That by honoring our Earthly Mother and being with her each day in nature and... have but faith, therefore, and hope, and love. I know our inner Sun is real too, and I betcha that is where 'Sun gazing' really prepares us too...the shadows help us to see?
Love this post!
Navigating in between head aches my eyes dont want to see light now , hurts too much. for now i feeling that sun within my heart center feels better this day. strange how this process is giving mental clarity go figure.. blessings with a sense of humor.
ReplyDeleteC D you have a gift
you are the Gift
thank you for sharing it with All
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ReplyDeleteI have learned a few things from you ,chatty cathy, and really appreciate that. Just bought more paints going to try to paint some river light today maybe even experiment with eating up the outer edges of a cypress branch with silvery white light. Never had an art class.
ReplyDeleteI have always been intrested in science so defraction is something I'll be contemplating.
I did a porceline sculpture of mother mary once.
Left her in the shed for a week 80% finished. When I returned and pulled off the garbage bag she had an inky blue tear from her left eye and her third eye. The only scientific explanation I came up with was porciline has iron oxide which can be yellowish so they add cobalt oxide to keep things white( God i hope i am remembering this right) so i figured the the cocheroaches must have gotten under that bag and munched on the particles of cobalt oxide and excreted it into the perfect position . Condensation under the bag caused the running to look like a tear. Catholic Bobby wanted me to call the vatican and talk to the popes peeps. but i knew it was a personal message for my not to deny my God given ways of seeing the world. Mother Mary, don't under,estimate her!
I am getting hot under the collar!!!! my pc is such a game player, crashing freezing going sloooowww if at all. And now I cant find a way to visit shannon I cant find a way there!
ReplyDeleteBreathe ... contain....rrrr, spit
I always loved my Chatty Cathy, what a doll! lol I appreciate what Annon says about knowing it was a personal message for not denying our God given way of seeing...how cool! Shannon is so tapped in...so are you, just breath and feel her and the way will come!
ReplyDeleteYou know I love all you beautiful people!
ReplyDeleteSo enriching to visit here. OMG the copu and library is so wigging out, like on drugs. I feel like timothy leary. Geeze strobs and everthing , hope its the pc and not me. oh god!
What struck me this morning is that for those under the tombstones , it is too late. If they could come back for a month what would they do?
ReplyDeleteIf I was one of them , and was granted another month , what would I do?
No-thing lol And who knows if it's too late for them? We may have been six feet under many many times, no? They are where they are required to be? Perhaps they are in eternity perceiving that they are eternal way more fully than I am. ;)
ReplyDelete;-) ok good points
ReplyDeleteLol... Let's hope anyway huh!? ;D
ReplyDeleteWow, our perception defines our experience by percieving the presence or absence of light.
ReplyDeleteAnd we actually are all light right?
Pretty radical man!
I am thinking about the counsel to do nothing and simply realize all that is. Sounds so advanced and I am sure it is BUT what of the life this story in real time , our story. Why do we sometimes feel we need to hold our mental/physical position to the blissful ALL ONE end? That seems like a perfect and passionate Violin "silently" waiting to be realized for eternity as ALL ONE LOVE,that infinite Love. It does not ring true...Its must express it's Finite self. It is the honorable thing to do. It is sacred even if contained in a transient story. My God, I shall forever honor and cherish that God given vibrational bliss that reminds me of the Ultimate Infinite Bliss. And I think here is a personal message for myself not to be so quick to turn from this Earth life, this Earth walk coveting the Ultimate Truth . Like MB has said, " The vibrational already is." So I intend to live more 'powerfully' and more 'playfully' in this story. Duh! Can be such a dim wit sometimes ,lol.
ReplyDeleteDim wit, Bright light, It's all good!.