Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Releasing the Story

Releasing the Story

Over the past months the theme of “letting go” has appeared more than once on this blog. Seems like it always presents itself in a slightly different light or emphasis whenever the message of release is coming.

What are we letting go of?

At first blush that is usually some outer thing – could be a relationship, a situation, a conflict, one’s feelings about any of that, etc.

The journey of letting go gradually seeps deeper until we begin to perceive that it is not merely an aspect of the story that needs to be released, but

the story itself!

. . . in fact,

the whole story making process.

The story is all about attachments, mental and emotional attachments, to things that seem to be “other than me.”

That’s why we are attached to them.

They aren’t us (supposedly), but we want them (or don't want them, which is also an attachment).

So they must be controlled in some way, like the Star Wars tractor beams that force reluctant spacecraft into the Death Star’s ominous hull via unseen energy fields.

Without the story, the attachments fade. Without the attachments, the story becomes thin and transparent.

But why does any of this matter?

Because the world is a miserable place filled with miserable people. Unhappy, unfulfilled people, who think that their personal story is all they have, and if they are going to find peace and contentment it must be through it. And that their story is dependent on the world's story.

So that the world must be made better, greener, more perfect, or whatever utopian scheme seems plausible by means of people who totally believe in their personal stories trying to change the world’s story.

But centuries of people who totally believe in their personal stories trying to change the world’s story have not made it better, greener or more perfect . . .

. . . because the premise is unworkable.

We can’t change the story from within the story.

All we can do to make the world better is go beyond the story.

Both our own personal story, and the world's story.

And this - I believe - is what letting go is leading to.


  1. Thanks A lot, YOU just ruined my August theme. OOOOH!

    Seriously, it is a relief to just Be with All and not have to DO anything
    to make things right. Beyond the stories, the worlds and our own, the truth in infinitely perfect.

    That being said, the practice of mindfulness and mindlessness
    in the appropriate, intuitive timing is something I am experimenting with.

    I am sometimes tempted with the, " Ok, lets just do the game over, story over version." But , hey, where is the challenge in that. So instead I surf on ideas and circumstance, try not to get caught up in any of it for too long. Occasionally I dive into the DEEP or catch a wave just right and fly. It's all in the name of LIFE which I will ALWAYS believe is sacred and mysterious.

    Just the fact (?)hahaha) that it's being discussed is delightfully entertaining and truly keeps me engaged in this most awesome play.
    My roles so far :pathetic loser turned warrior priestess/goddess.

    Many other roles lie in between.

    So I do whole heartedly AGREE letting go allows me to venture
    beyond the stories. I am beginning to enjoy the art of "Letting Go"

  2. "The journey of letting go gradually seeps deeper until we begin to perceive that it is not merely an aspect of the story that needs to be released, but the story itself!"

    Ya know how when people say, "I had to listen to their whole life story"? lol. We have all droned others ears off at some time or another I'm sure. The worlds story is the droning Boredom (Sounds familiar, but that's sinking in deeper too! ;) )...but Life is an Experience, and as we let go of everything, we realize that the 'God Given Life', we are given to 'experience', is so far beyond the boredom we manufacture...anything is possible, even our imagination becomes boring...because now our hands and heart are open to receive the miraculous huh?

    When I read this, that scripture about the lilies of the field came to me too...when we let go of relying on only 'self' sufficiency in the multi-level ways we grasp, WOW what’s given huh?

    Thanks for all YOU give, which deepens and grows our perception too, and is actually very far from boring! :)

  3. I love the depth of Truth here!
