The Climb Toward Uncertainty
The more scientists discover about the workings of the universe, the more that knowledge reveals a profound innate uncertainty. For instance, quantum physics has proven that minute particles of matter are actually influenced in their actions by the observer himself, so that their behavior cannot be predicted by purely mechanical or logical definitions.
According to Wikipedia, “The Heisenberg uncertainty principle states that the values of certain pairs of conjugate variables (position and momentum, for instance) cannot both be known with arbitrary precision. That is, the more precisely one variable is known, the less precisely the other is known. This is not a statement about the limitations of a researcher's ability to measure particular quantities of a system, but rather about the nature of the system itself.”
As revelations about uncertainty on a micro level become known and experienced, it seems that a similar process is occurring on the macro level of human society. In centuries past, entire generations could live pretty much exactly as their parents, grandparents and great-grandparents had. Change was slow and unexpected.
In these days however, change is the norm and almost nothing remains as it was for long. New developments in technology are rapid fire, yet the hunger among consumers for what is faster, smaller, cheaper and more exciting never seems satisfied.
In human interactions transformation is also evident. Relationships shift, people move to other geographical areas and take up different occupations, all with a fluidity and dispatch that is unique to our times.
“Our times” is the key word here. For the Mayan calendar indicates that this period will continue to exhibit dramatic change that will even escalate in intensity – at least until the year 2012. We are currently in Day Six of the Galactic Underworld’s seven day cycle, which according to Carl Johan Calleman’s analysis is characterized by the theme “flowering” and “coexistence between new spirituality and the remnants of the global materialistic power.”
For people or collectives to function and find peace in these times means accepting and adapting to uncertainty. The “global materialistic power” is not merely “out there” in the world at large. It is in everyone to some degree. It is evident in the egoic mentality that revolts against uncertainty and seeks stability according to its own views. How to spot it? Watch for the following ego-reinforcing attitudes:
“This isn’t how my life ought to be right now. This shouldn’t be happening. Things are supposed to be different. “
Embracing uncertainty is not easy, and could be likened to a steep hike - the effort of climbing through dark woods toward the sunlight. Yet indications are that uncertainty is an aspect of the greater life of freedom that humanity craves.
I think people mostly have the attitude that things should be different from how they are. So they aren’t happy.
ReplyDeleteThere is only one certainty in life. And that is that life, itself, goes on.
ReplyDeleteSeeing as all of us, collectively, make up life, that means that, no matter what, we too go on. And on. And on ...
If we were able to trust that we are, indeed, eternal, immortal beings then the uncertainties of the moment would seem a lot less significant, and we would have much less of a need to control things.
A lot of the problems in life are due to the fact that with all of this rapid change, people feel insecure. Yet, if they got that we are all, indeed, eternal, immortal beings, how much more secure than that can you get?
Through that realisation is the understanding that whatever uncertainty or insecurity there is, it is transient and temporary and, either way, nothing can truly harm us or threaten us. Aside from all the illusions that we have created about how things are. And sooner or later all those illusions will disappear into the dust they come.